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Planter & Tillage Equipment

Yetter Planter

Planters are a crucial part of the crop-growing process; as opposed to the old method of “horse, cart, and kids”, they make the process of planting seeds so much easier for today’s farmers. Planters are also expensive (as are virtually any other large pieces of farm & ranch equipment), and keeping good care and maintenance of your own planter is common sense. The last thing a farmer needs is to be out in the field when their planter breaks down! Fortunately, the hardware that makes up most modern planters has advanced considerably over the last few years, and it’s easier than ever before to maintain a planter and its parts.

Getting the actual pieces for your planter, however is a different matter. Many ag supply stores don’t carry the necessary parts in stock, so anyone looking for a quick fix is oftentimes left waiting for weeks while their local farm & ranch store works on ordering and delivering the badly-needed parts.

Kinze planter

With Barndoor Ag, you can skip the middleman, skip the usual wait, and order your planter parts directly -- no more wondering, no more headaches. We offer a variety of parts from Kinze and Yetter: 

Take a look below. You’ll find what you need!

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