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Totally Tubular 1700 Series MaxEmerge 5 | TT-007

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Totally Tubular 1700 Series MaxEmerge 5 | TT-007

This simple yet effective design is totally protected by the disc blades, so rocks should not be an issue. The 1/8" wall 3/8" stainless tube will easily outlast the disc scraper. The optional seed bounce flap closes the opening between the disc openers assuring correct seed placement by eliminating seed bounce and ricochet.

Key Benefits:

  • Starter Fertilizer application deeper in the soil profile
  • Instant root uptake for early plant health
  • Maintenance free

Installation Instructions:

Step 1
Remove depth gauge wheels and disc openers, making sure to note correct shim placement.

Step 2
Remove stock seed tube guard.

Step 3
Install new Totally Tubular part TT007.

Step 4
Bend centering tab against row shank. The picture above shows the tab before it is bent against the shank. Tap centering tab with mallet to firmly hold tube centered.

Step 5
Reinstall disc openers, making sure you have correct shim placement.

Recommend replacing disc openers when you put our fertilizer tubes on.